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Greatness Is Not For The Conformist

Greatness Is Not For The Conformist

POSTED December 27, 2019
By Prinx Maurice

Greatness Is Not For The Conformist

The decisions which makes you a Great are decisions made with risks and in potential danger of negative consequences. The boldness to take that leap of faith even when it seems all odds are against you. To make a difference even when making a difference is at best a rebellion to the norm. It takes an extraordinary effort to achieve the status of an extraordinaire. Nothing great is given. It is taken. If you want the moon, you must reach for it. It transcends wish into the realm of will.

Risks and Sacrifices are all it takes to carve a niche and achieve lofty heights in whatever pursuits you set for yourself. Remember that you must set the goal post for yourself and never allow the multitude to set targets for you. Once you break away from the crowd mentality, your mistakes becomes a pattern and lifestyle to the multitude.

You shall know the truth and it will set you free. But you must first cognize your current state of imprisonment. It starts and ends in and with the mind. As it is rightly said, fear is not real; it is an illusion of the mind. It plays on the individual the picture that it serves to protect him/her from dangers/troubles while its true intention is to inhibit such an individual from reaching out to his/her potentials.

To aid this battle of mental warfare, one must read books which stimulate the mind. Movies should not be watched for their entertainment purposes alone, but also for their intellectual and emancipatory powers. Need I say that you are what you hear, see and read? Like Rene Descartes, pull down so you can build for yourself a better structure on a solid and personally tested foundation.

Most times when I desire to hang out, sleep or watch movies, I remember there are grounds to break, so many faces to put smiles upon. For these and many other reasons, I read up books, articles, magazines, see documentaries while I make mental jottings if there are no paper and pen readily available. I see a World where I am not useful to so I try not to make that reality happen. My personal meditations away from the company of people helps me to navigate the minds of people when I do get to have an audience with them. I conquer my battles in my mind before the physical confrontation. The yearning to make people relevant in many areas of life causes me not to take my foot off the pedal. It is in this quest that I find my own relevance. Hopefully, you can become relevant by creating platforms for people to become relevant to themselves and society.

I recommend a book titled THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon HIll. I reccommend this book not for its financial benefits alone but also and especially for it general practical insight on mental development. It is not your regular day-to-day public speaking book. You can thank me after purchasing and reading this book.

As Albert Einstein once said, ”Education is what remains when one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” That is to me pure intelligence. No wonder Einstein said that ”True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” This education must be sought after as much as we desire the breath that permeates us. Until your creative power is unleashed, you remain at best a conformity to the norm- An average person just gliding with the flow of the river.

The world needs Navigators and Ground-Breakers. There are excess of conformists. Do not become an excess but a cherished rarity. The world is yours to conquer, but you must first conquer yourself. Discipline yourself to know the difference between Wants and Needs. Pursue your Needs and your Wants will come running to you.


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